Kids are getting left behind.

About 100 million children worldwide have never known what it means to go to school. Even in areas where education is accessible, enrollment rates are low and dropout rates are high primarily due to one factor.
Lack of adequate supplies. In particular, textbooks.
But why? Aren’t there hundreds of nonprofits and charitable organizations helping out?
Yes, but...
Tuition isn’t everything. While some others have taken a different approach, we’ve focused on the roots of the issue. Students NEED textbooks to be successful in the classroom. Without them, they not only struggle to learn but are deterred from coming back to school.
In fact, many rural and inner city schools have received support from outside organizations to offer entirely subsidized tuition to students. The one cost consistently overlooked (and incredibly important) is the cost of textbooks.

That’s where we come in.
We specifically partner with schools all over the world that serve underprivileged children.
All of our products have a donation model. For every bag we sell, we donate one year’s worth of textbooks to a child in need.
Say hello to a bag that carries your stuff and the education of a child in need.
“Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.”
That’s our take on education.
It’s not enough to stick kids in classrooms. They need to be taught and have the tools to learn and succeed.

So why do we focus on textbooks? Because while about 50% of underprivileged children worldwide have access to some form of education, less than 10% of those schools provide appropriate textbooks for students.
For most kids, textbooks are the only tangible forms of learning. And although no homework may sound like a dream come true, in other parts of the world, it means kids can’t retain what they tried to grasp in the classroom.
Lack of adequate materials is the number one reason for underprivileged kids to drop out of school. We think we might have a way to change that.

When you purchase a bag, we donate one year’s worth of textbooks to a child in need. But what’s more is how we give. We identify and partner only with schools and organizations that work on a micro-level with students. That way, kids get the books that are appropriate for their age, school, and classes. Our greater goal is to cut the poverty cycle and give deserving youth the chance to attend college and pursue a profession of their choice.